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Grow your business with sms

Bulk SMS is old school, send messages that reach the right people, build better relationships, and help drive revenues


Send SMS campaigns with better results

Build relationships, send unique messages to a different set of customers, send follow-up messages based on time or customer action, book a free session here with our strategy team to guide you on getting the best results on your campaign

Tracksend's SMS application dashboard

Timely SMS to reclaim customers who abandoned carts or payment

Send timely messages based on consumers’ behaviour to those who left their carts or payments unattended to avoid losing out on sales

To increase engagement, send SMS with images and a call to action

RCS (Rich Communication Service) enables messaging that allows us to do things like add images with your brand and messaging, know when messages are read and increase conversion

We collaborated with Google RCS to provide SMS with richer experiences.

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Retarget customers who took action

View delivery reports, see how many people clicked, and learn who took action

Connect to your online store or favourite platform

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Start engaging your customers better today